autism, communication, faith, friends, relationships

Dialing It Back

A Pause For Thought

Our cell phones, iPads, laptops, TVs, … all give us immediate access to information, correspondence, and entertainment. Everything is literally at our fingertips. Although we don’t have the capability to “beam ourselves up” to the next destination yet, our cars are fast becoming self driving, navigational, entertainment centers.

We have an SUV which Morgan refers to as her “comfy purple car”. It’s got lots of bells and warning whistles and multiple things that happen at the touch of a button. I’m not knocking progress. I like to be “comfy” too. And I understand all of this ease and convenience was meant to improve our lives. But unfortunately, I believe it’s taking away needed opportunities for us to practice the process of waiting.

With every new convenience, we’re becoming less patient, less tolerant, more entitled. I’ll admit it. I’m more than a little bit spoiled myself.

Whenever Dad has to work on our comfy purple car, we get to drive his Green Truck. There’s something about riding in that truck that slows our pace in a good way. We have to put the key in the door to unlock it. We have to crank the handle to roll the windows up and down. We have to park and back up and change lanes All By Ourselves, with no bells or whistles to warn us. Everything takes a little more time and engagement. We actually have to be patient and pay more attention to what we’re doing. And Thankfully, Morgan is an excellent backseat driver. 😉

Morgan’s “Roly Dial Telephone” is another relic from the past that reminds me what a gift, to ourselves and others, slowing down can be. She loves making pretend calls to her sister, slowly dialing in each number, thinking about what she’s going to say. Now we shoot off texts, emails, posts And sometimes Our Mouths without pause.

Morgan and her Roly Dial Telephone

I just wonder, as we push forward to do everything at warp speed, with no resistance, are we cutting ourselves off from real connection? Are we losing necessary life skills and relationship skills?

At the risk of inconvenience, may we all experience enough friction in our lives to reignite our kindness, patience and compassion.

Until Next Time,

Know The Hope!



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